Transferring organization |
Service |
Consumption mode |
Integration documentation |
State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) |
Tax Data |
- Tax obligations for public procurement (individual/lot consultation)
- Tax obligations for transport licenses (individual/batch consultation)
- Tax obligations application for aid and subsidies (individual/batch consultation)
- Tax obligations for processing residence and work permits for foreigners (individual/batch consultation)
- Check tax address
Income |
- Income Tax Certificate
- Individual certificate of income level
- Income certificate for benefits
- Exempt Public Pension Certificate
Economic Activities Tax (IAE) |
- Consultation of the set of IAE headings in which the taxpayer is registered on the current date.
General Treasury Social Security (TGSS) |
Debt with Social Security and registration status |
- Stay up to date with obligations with the Social Security (individual/batch consultation)
- Employment registration on a specific date (individual/batch inquiry)
- Accreditation of self-employed agricultural activity
TGSS Working Life |
- Work life consultation for the last year
- Consultation of a period of working life of the last 5 years
- Check affiliation numbers.
General Directorate of Police (DGP)
Identity |
- Verification of identity data
- Query of identity data (individual/batch query)
Residence |
- Consultation of the history of legal residence procedures
Legal residence of foreigners |
- Consultation of legal residence data of foreigners by documentation.
- Consultation of legal residence data of foreigners by affiliation.
- Extended consultation of identity data of foreigners
National Institute of Statistics (INE) |
Temporarily out of service |
- Residence registered with the INE
Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) |
Vehicle and driver registration |
- View vehicle data
- Check vehicle data for penalties
- Checking a driver's driving license data
- Querying vehicle data by the road owner
- Check a driver's sanctions, validity periods and criminal convictions
- Consultation of vehicles registered with the DGT for an owner
- Query of EU (or European) vehicles for traffic violations
- Checking vehicle data for vehicle tax
mechanically propelled vehicles
Vehicle registration |
- View vehicle data
- View a person's details
- Consult a person's data by affiliation
Municipal vehicle tax debtors (IVTM) |
- Registration of IVTM defaults (individual/batch enquiry)
- IVTM arrears query (individual/batch query)
- Elimination of IVTM defaults (individual consultation)
State Public Employment Service (SEPE) |
Unemployment benefits
- Unemployment benefits received
- Current benefit amounts
- Benefit amounts by periods
General Directorate of Cadastre |
Cadastre |
- Cadastral data
- Ownership certificate
- Descriptive and graphic
- Secure verification code
Ministry of Education |
Degrees |
- University degrees
- Non-university degrees
National Social Security Institute (INSS) |
Public social benefits |
- Benefits received
- Check service history
Ministry of Justice
Civil Registry (DICIREG) |
- Birth consultation
- Marriage consultation
- Death inquiry
- Birth certificate (PDF)
- Marriage certificate (PDF)
- Death certificate (PDF)
Criminal record |
- Check for absence of criminal record
- Check for absence of a sex crime record
Institute of Mayors and Social Services (IMSERSO) |
Dependency |
- Consultation of level and degree of dependency
General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE) |
General Intervention of the State Administration |
- Checking disqualifications
- Concessions consultation
- Consultation of minimis subsidies.
General Council of the Notary via MINHAP
Notarial Powers of Attorney |
- Consultation on the livelihood of administrators of a company.
- Consultation on the existence of notarial powers of attorney.
- Consultation of simple copies of notarial powers of attorney or documents that affect the existence of a notarial power of attorney.
- Consultation of notaries and notaries.
Autonomous communities of the rest of the State
Large family title Autonomous Community |
- Consultation of large family title CCAA
Disabilities Autonomous Communities |
- Disability level Autonomous Community
MUFACE (General Mutuality of State Civil Functions)
- Affiliation data consultation