Step by step integration

The steps to follow in order to carry out the integration with Via Oberta service products are the following:

  1. Fill in the corresponding form that you will find in EACAT > Procedures > AOC Consortium, either the Open Service Request or the Open AEAT Service Request. In the "Question type" section, you must check the "Integration through Web Services" box. As explained in the form, if this option is checked, the integration request form using web services must also be filled out and attached (indicating the public IPs with which you will access our environments, additionally attach, the public key (.cer) of the CDA certificate with which you will sign the XML requests via webService and the rest of the requested data and digitally sign it). Once you send the form you are interested in (Open Via Oberta Services or AEAT Service) the AOC technicians will contact you.
  2. In case you integrate via webservice for the first time with the services of the AOC Consortium, you will need the integration documentation of the Interadministrative Collaboration Platform (PCI). To be able to consume the services of the AOC Consortium, you must do so through the PCI. The PCI is a set of systems and components aimed at the total availability of services with guarantees of maximum security in the service and in access to data. The following documentation contains the PCI messaging specifications.
    The AOC Consortium, with the aim of facilitating the development of integrations, provides you with the following example clients of the PCI: Generic documentation to integrate with the PCI
    The Integration Documents (hereafter, DI) of the services are in:

    DI – General State Administration Area (AGE) Integration documentation: General State Administration Area (AGE)
    DI – Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia Integration documentation: Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya
    DI – Area of Local Administration Integration documentation: Area of local administration
    DI – Field of Collaborating Schools and Entities Integration documentation: Area of Collaborating Schools and Entities
  3. In the case of products that require it, it will be indicated that it is necessary to assign or deliver to the AOC a certificate for the signature of the requests to the final sender of the data.
  4. Implementation of integration tests in the pre-production environment. Before moving to Production, you will have to fill in the Homologation Documents for the integrated services that you will find at:
  5. Setting up the production environment. If you have completed the service registration process, you will be able to make production requests. Throughout this process you will continue to have the support of the Integration Support Service.