To send invoices to the administration it is not necessary to register for the e-FACT service, invoices can be sent through the Electronic Invoice Delivery Mailbox . Learn more at How to invoice electronically if I'm a supplier.

In case the volume of invoices you manage is very high, you can integrate your tool with the e-FACT in order to automate the sending and receiving. Since AOC we recommend integration for companies or organizations with a volume of invoices to be generated for Public Administrations exceeding 100 monthly invoices.

  • Integration request :

In case you are interested in integrating your tool with e-FACT you can send us the following document through the contact form .

  • Integration documentation:

Depending on whether you have to integrate with e-FACT to send invoices or if you integrate to receive invoices, you need to download the corresponding document depending on the type of integration you need to do: