The e-NOTUM service does not integrate with any document manager, with the exception of DESA'L (for more information on what is stored in DESA'L, consult this section)

If you need to download the evidence document of the notification process, you can do so using one of these options:

  • Integrate with e-NOTUM and download the evidence generated by e-NOTUM once the lifecycle of the notification has ended (we recommend doing it now and not waiting for the end of the two years of custody)
  • Integrate with DESAL_DESCARREGA (the settlement number or file number will be required) and download the documentation associated with that file or record
  • Integrate with MUX_DESCARREGA (the registration number will be required) and download the documentation associated with that registration number.

Once you obtain the evidence document from the notification process, it will need to be saved in your document manager or wherever you deem appropriate.