The WSDL of the document entry module contemplates different ways or forms of transferring the documents (what we call PIT, transfer information package) to the iARXIU platform. However, from the AOC Consortium we recommend that you use the following:

  • Entry, in offline or asynchronous mode, of a PIT with references to binary files previously sent with a direct upload service. With this operation it is possible to upload large files without having to embed them in a web service call.

To make a deposit using this modality, the steps are as follows:

  1. Get a ticket for uploading files and the PIT (mets.xml) by calling the GetUploadTicket operation
  2. Upload the files and the PIT (mets.xml) using the upload servlet , which allows sending the files using the HTTP standard. All files and the PIT can be uploaded in a ZIP file, which iARXIU will decompress later or individually.
  3. Once all the files have been uploaded to the file server, a call to the OfflineUploadIngest operation must be made to proceed with the entry.
  4. Since the ingest is done offline or asynchronously, to check the ingest status you need to use the GetOfflineIngestStatus operation

For more information consult the following document:Plataforma_iArxiu_WS_ingres_20130923